Hello and welcome to Blood Moon Inn! I am the curator, Athena, and *gestures to a furre beside her* this is Lilith Chandra, the assistant curator. We've been very busy to get this site in good condition. So far it's still pretty messed up, but it works at least. *grinz* So, are you wondering why it's called Blood Moon Inn? Well the idea struck me when I was in an ICQ chat. What if I created a role play atmosphere about it. Then one of my friends, Gryph (luv ya! =~.^=) saided he went outside to a cliff where a lake was below and an idea struck me.. blood moon inn. So here I am. And every time you chat with me, remember that you have entered Blood Moon Inn! My ICQ number is 7228318
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Thanks to (alphabetical order) Bastet, Gryph, Jade Claw, Nephrenia, Skyrunner, and Wez!