Name: Pallas Athena
Species: Goddess
Gender: Female
Age: Immortal
Nicknames: Athena
Favorite Colours: Greyish-blue, black
Birthdate: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
(Other Facts?): Athena is the goddess of wisdom mainly, war and the arts secondly. This picture is a chart of the major Greek/Roman gods and goddesses.
Personality: Few know what they have in store when they meet her, but Athena will new overstay a welcome. She can be a wise and serious figure at first, then softens up to a sugar-loving hyper little goddess.
History: She keeps to herself history-wise. When she was created however she lept from her father Zeus' head.
Cool Facts About Athena:
She is often displayed as a human woman.
She was created without a mother.
She is known as the Parthenos ("virgin") and her main temple is the Parthenon.
She has Medusa the gorgon's head on her shield.
She is often symbolized by an owl or other bird.
Her weapon is the lightning bolt, given to her by Zeus.