Name: Kliopatra
Age: 21
Profession: Scribe
Height: 5ft 3"
Weight: 110
Known Relatives: Mother & Father killed in plague
Armour: Vixen
Colours: White, orange, violet
Nicknames: Patra, Pasta, Klio
Element: Water
Origin: Athens, Aegean, Greece
Birthdate: February 16
Zodiac: Aquarius
Personality: Shy and quiet, Kliopatra normally keeps to herself, but when she is around those she was fond of.. she's a whole new person. She could be very hyper, and loves to joke. Especially when she's with Presley/Rapses. The two get along great. She thinks highly of her friends, and treats them better than she would herself or her family. She trusts few, in fact many come to believe she only trusts the prince..
History: Kliopatra grew up in a very educated enviroment. She knew few children her own age, so she would create imaginary friends all the time. Many thought her insane by this, but she was in fact envisioning lost souls of people from long ago. She was a strong supporter of Athena and the Greek gods, and they in turn guarded her strongly. When she turned thirteen she had written several stories, which Amenhotep adored. He wanted her to join his council of Scribes. She agreed and left her home in Athens to travel to Egypt. She would be the youngest scribe in the palace.
At that time the prince was five, and both Rapses and Patra grew close. She'd often take care of the prince, and swore to the prince she would never let anything happen to him, and Rapses returned the vow. For eight years all went perfectly. She knew Joari and Eshe best out of the guardians, along with Ja-Kal, but knew Rath, Armon, and Nefer very little. Then one fateful night Patra was going down to visit Rapses when she overheard Scarab's plan to murder Rapses. She raced down the hallways, but this alerted Scarab. She was murdered.
She was buried with a black leather choker with a small fox-head amulet on the front. Rath gave it the power to allow her to transform, just as the other's did. Athena, as a penance for letting Patra die, gave her more magic into the amulet for her transformations. She need only think of transforming to bulk up, instead of screeching "By the Strength Of Ra!".
In The New World: When the last of those who worshipped Athena died, she longed for one to carry on the religion. She chose Kliopatra, and had her awakened. Kliopatra had been in the mueseum of San Francisco. Her sarcophagus was long lost in Egypt. She adapted to her new surrounding quicker than the others. Athena gave her human-colored skin. That would last until she found the other mummies. She loves to just stay with Presley in his home and write a story, or even tell him a story about long ago. But in a way, she more than anyone misses Egypt.
Known Moves: Flip, kick, knee up, whirl kick, trip kick, ankle lock, punch. Strong points are in her kicks.
Weaknesses: She is horribly clumsy when not in her armour, so she is often being beat up when fighting without armour. She is short as well, and smallness creates a great disadvantage. She doesn't fight well either without her armour.
Talents: She is good at writing, and that is how she got to be a scribe. She is well accomplished when she plays the lyre, and can slightly play the flute, and wants to learn how to play the clairnet. She's very intelligent.
Dislikes & Enemies: Her only enemy is Scarab. She has a certain rage towards him.. and unfortunately that hatred can often make her stupified in battle. She hates it when people come to her and tell her a bunch of boring stuff, and will often ignore those who do so.
Use This Character Without Permission And Be Ready To Face My Wraith!
(Armon: I thought Rath belonged to Lyris?)
(Lyris: ARMON!)